Save the Date Fans of Jenni Kayne’s classic California lifestyle brand will be pleased to know there’ll be an exclusive shopping experience at our marina this summer. Check out their renovated 1956 vintage Airstream trailer pop-up shop where customers can experience the full Jenni Kayne brand and purchase classics like chic flats and slides, comfy […]
Slip into the Summer Season
Introducing Our New Dockmaster Lauren Stanek was born and raised in Newport and has spent the majority of her life on the water. Growing up, she spent her summers sailing at Newport Yacht Club and Sail Newport and worked as Dockmaster for Shake-A-Leg Sailing. She is a 2015 graduate of Emmanuel College, where she received […]
Act Now On Fall Pricing At Brown & Howard
Summer fun is flying by, but that’s no reason to despair! Brown & Howard is excited to offer competitive Fall pricing, as low as $3.50/foot through October. Please inquire ASAP if you want to to stay longer and enjoy the last weeks of the yachting season. Enjoy pet friendly docks, FREE on-site COVID testing, dock-side […]